Friday, December 25, 2009
Christmas Eve 2009
We are like every other family, we have developed Christmas traditions and have held these for many, many years. I started some things to help me with my sadness and loneliness when I moved away from my family. I also needed to come up with ideas to keep the girls busy on Christmas Eve to tire them out. We do not open any gifts until Christmas morning. Christmas Eve night is family time only, no presents.
We go to Christmas Eve mass then we make our way to dinner. It can be kind of hard to find a restaurant open on Christmas Eve. We used to go to Olive Garden but haven't been there since the German restaurant opened up. I think we have been going to Old Bavarian for over 12-13 years now. Last night, Christina, the owner, came up to use twice and said she knew it was Christmas since we were here. We do go to Old Bavarian at other times throughout the year but it may be just Jeff and I that go, not the entire family. Jeff's aunt was able to be with us this year. She has always been a trouper no matter what we come up with.
After dinner, we used to bring the girls home to change out of their clothes. We all used to put on pajamas and our winter coats then drive around town to see the Christmas lights. We would make a thermos of hot chocolate to bring with us. It is very calming to drive around the city with Christmas music on and not to many cars out. When Arlene is with us, she also changes into her pajamas. This year, we didn't go home to change we just went right away after dinner. As we drive around there is lot's of laughter. I don't know if it's the togetherness or the multitude of beers that were had at the Old Bavarian.
The evening comes to a close. The lighting displays were spectacular this year. I may just have to go back for a second viewing. We drive Arlene home. Now we can put the cookies out for Santa and all change into our jammies. It was a beautiful evening spent with family. I go to bed thinking about how one baby changed the world.
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