Day Five of Bridal gown week was uneventful sewing-wise. I got a little bit of basting done. Taylor and I ran a lot of errands. How many times can someone go to Home Depot in one week? She's been a good sport about helping with the house remodel. Before we left for errands, I was becoming very frustrated trying to press the lengths of fabric before cutting and pressing the pieces after cutting. You see, I have one of those built in ironing boards. Yes, it's nice to have it on the wall and out of site. It isn't the best product for someone who does a lot of quilting and sewing. In addition to being small, it is made for a left-hander. I don't know if the builder just added it without thinking or if the previous owner was left handed. It is impossible for me to work with though.
I decide to call around before we run errands. After all, I'm on vacation this week, I'm trying to be as efficient as possible with my time off. I call Bed, Bath and Beyond. There is an ironing board that I want. The Rowenta super-sized board. I want to make sure they have one in stock before I drive across town. There was no Rowenta board to be found at the store. In fact, there was no board to be found in their region which went to Ohio. He tries to sell me a Revolution 360 board. Of course, his store doesn't have one in stock so I would have to order it and wait. I toy for about three minutes on ordering one. The price is $130.00 plus shipping plus tax. And it isn't long like the board I want which is cheaper, about $100. This Revolution board spins like in all directions. You can press shirt cuff and necklines with ease. But quite honestly, I don't need an ironing board that I can perform heart surgery on, I just need a large board to press a bridal gown.
I decide to take to the internet. I go on Craig's List to look for rummage sales. I want an old, I mean OLD ironing board. I can't see paying $25.00 for a piece of crap ironing board that will move across the floor with every move of the iron. God was looking out for me. Right there on Craig's List some one was selling an old ironing board. That was all they were selling. Turns out the ironing board belonged to the man's mother who did a lot of sewing. He and his wife were downsizing. That's it? That's all you're getting rid of? Oh well, it worked for me. Did I tell you I wanted something old? This sucker is heavy. It won't be moving anywhere while I press. It does need to be cleaned up and a cover placed on it.
Look at the label. Made in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. Hmmm. Mother was a sewer, made in Milwaukee, from the 50's. This is perfect for me. All for a whopping $8.00. Can you see the label where is says "Mrs Housewife"? I'm pretty sure this is from the 1950's, certainly before women were burning their bras. Unfortunately, that beautiful label got ripped while in the back of my Tahoe. I need to now research on a glue that can take the heat from an iron. I'm not going to get rid of the label.
I'm so happy with my CL find. And you know what, it's so sturdy, I actually think you could perform heart surgery on it.
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