I'm a little disappointed how these bags turned out. I purchased the bags last year and never got around to the embroidery.
I wanted to do a glow-in-the-dark design for the nephews. I felt that the ribcage would be perfect for glow thread. My machine did not like this thread. I used Coats & Clark brand. I hadn't heard anything negative about the thread. I knew that there were people who didn't like their embroidery thread but nothing on the glo thread. I decided to try it. Unfortunately, I had severe thread loops while stitching the design out. I really should have completed one more rib cage bag, but was frustrated with the two that I did. So my nephew Matthew will get the short end of the stick. The "glo" part of the glow thread really does work. I don't know how long the glow will last on Halloween night though.
Now for the witch bag. I'm not liking the placement on this. I was toying with the idea of putting a witch face about the skirt. I decided against it. Then I go and place the tutu netting to high up. I found some reflective tape in my stash. I honestly don't have any idea how I acquired that. Maybe from my mom. As you can see in the photo, the tape works really nice.
If you look really close at this picture, you can see the ribcage outline. The design shows up really nice in the dark, you can't really see it in the picture.
Both designs are from Planet Applique.
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