My daughter Lauren called and asked if I could make a onsie for her. She was making a birthday tutu for someone and wanted a onsie that would match. The tutu will be turquoise, hot pink, orange, green and yellow. We decided to do this little birthday balloon. The design is smaller than I like. But bumping the design up to the next larger size would be too big and I didn't want to deal with a large embroidery hoop on this little garment.
This font is called Girls and it's from 8 Claws and a Paw. It's a gorgeous font. The balloon is from Planet Applique.
and we love it! :)
Daisy, I'm so glad that you like the onsie. The whole outfit looks great on Stacy. I wanted to move up in size on the design but felt I couldn't. Sometimes the needle gets too close to your fingers! I do love the font though! I enjoyed looking at all the pictures you've taken for Lauren. I wish I had your photography skills!